DTC Provides Solutions for Businesses through COVID-19 Pandemic

August 18th, 2020 by admin

A man working from home in front of his computer while talking on the phone

The COVID-19 pandemic is a trying time for the US, with most businesses moving to a remote workforce. At the same time, other companies need to operate with reduced capacity due to social distancing restrictions. Companies are beginning to find solid ground again as they adapt to the changes in their operating procedures. They realize that now may be the time to do renovations or upgrades to their infrastructure and equipment. DTC can help your company by providing the tools needed for your remote workforce to be successful, as well as upgrading outdated phone systems and other hardware.

Hospital Upgrades

One project that we just finished was a large phone replacement for a hospital in California. They were using an old Nortel phone system that was no longer performing up to expectations. We upgraded their phone systems to an NEC system using the SV9500 phone. The hospital will be more efficient, flexible, and productive as they will be able to answer questions from concerned patients. Ensuring that their patients have access to information and medical advice during the pandemic is critically important and will help keep people safe during these difficult times.

Cloud Solutions

Another way businesses are adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic is by migrating to the cloud. We offer NEC's Univerge Blue, which integrates features such as unified messaging, presence, video conferencing, and contact center. The cloud is an excellent option for businesses, as it is scalable and cost-effective, allowing your business to pay only for what it needs.

The cloud will also support your remote workforce by giving them features such as video conferencing. Transitioning from the office to home can cause collaboration issues, but video conferencing allows your employees to remain connected. Visual communication is more effective than audio alone, so your employees can work effectively while at home.

DTC is committed to helping companies thrive through the pandemic. We offer solutions to increase efficiency and productivity while reducing operating costs. From phone solutions to data networks, our solutions will benefit your company. If your company needs help in improving remote workforce collaboration, contact us today.

Posted in: Solutions

Digital Telecommunications Corporation Established in 1982 in Southern California.